We love to inspire colleagues and clients with regular creative installations – here's one from a few years ago, featuring a live display from artist Julian Bray.
In 2019 talented Mansfield artist Julian Bray set up his studio in the Linney Create reception to help paint a picture of life as a commercial illustrator. Julian has worked with Linney for over 10 years, helping to develop the drawing and mark-making skills of our creative team. “Bringing his studio to Linney gave us an insight into Julian’s approach and technique,” says Create’s Andy Columbine. “He worked on a range of live briefs throughout the week and it was interesting to stop and watch his creative process for a moment. Julian has a rare creative talent. He radiates enthusiasm and inspiration and he chatted to Linney team members and clients alike who were intrigued by his work.”
Julian works with various clients, from book publishers and global chains to private commissions, while continuing to explore the themes and techniques that inspire him on a personal level.