Mind puzzle book on a coffee table


Unwind with Mind

Working with Mind to bring create a fundraising activity that supports users’ mental health

We worked with mental health charity Mind to produce Unwind, raising funds for the charity while supporting users’ mental health.

Unwind is a monthly puzzle booklet  delivered to subscribers. From sudokus and crosswords to logic puzzles and memory games, it offers users a chance to relax while keeping their brain active. All money raised goes towards Mind’s work to support the mental health of the nation. Linney prints and fulfils each edition.

Alicia from the Unwind at Mind team said: “Linney has been a joy to work with on Unwind. We’ve already had several subscribers email to tell us that the quality and feel of the booklet is a big part of why they love it. Unwind is such a lovely way for us to raise vital funds that are really needed when there are two million people on waiting lists for NHS mental health services. Linney makes it so easy, so we’ve loved working on this together.”