Pause for thought

Bringing peace of mind and comfort to people living with mental health issues

A subscription service with a difference is bringing peace of mind and comfort to people living with mental health issues.

Mind provides advice and support, campaigns to improve services and promotes understanding of mental health problems.

The Pause Subscription Box is a monthly service designed to help the subscriber take a pause from daily life and undertake a mindful activity each month. This includes pursuits such as scrapbooking, tea light making and colouring.

Linney manages the Pause project, which features 16 box types. We print and manufacture the boxes and all printed contents, source items such as pens, wool, crayons and wooden pegs and fulfill around 50,000 packs a year.

Our IT team set to work to build a more robust and streamlined process via Mind’s own website to manage bulk orders placed by businesses and despatched to multiple employee addresses. Orders are also be managed through our MyStore system, and monthly subscription data via a secure file transfer.

We’re proud to play our part in supporting Mind with such a worthwhile subscription service that continues to grow in popularity.

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